

Make the change you want to see in your career, your business and in the world.

One-to-one coaching

Are you wanting to make a change, but don’t know where to start?

The purpose of my work is to support you along your development journey, enabling you to maximise your potential. Most of my work is about the professional leadership and management practice, as well as your life and wellbeing goals.  At the same time, I am clear that we also have to live/work and lead others within the one planet that we have, and that my overall business intention is to enable all of us to play our part in this huge goal.

Executive and leadership coaching can support you at any point in your role, but can be particularly beneficial if you are:

  • leading others through a new strategy

  • going through a significant transitional period

  • managing a particularly complex set of situations

Coaching is valued by managers and leaders as it achieves a balance between fulfilling organisational goals and objectives whilst taking into account the personal development needs of the individual. Coaching is always tailored specifically to each individual’s knowledge, experience, maturity and ambitions and is focused on achieving a number of objectives for both the individual and the company. My role as your coach is to support you on your journey of development and that together we achieve your outcomes and goals.

I offer different types of coaching package, if you’re uncertain which one is best for you then contact me for a free exploratory chat. All coaching can be done online or in person in Edinburgh.

  • My work is based on relational coaching, where we form the contract together. This might range from weekly to monthly sessions, in person, or online. Approximately 3 initial sessions will shape the contract.

    Pricing available on request

  • This is a programme designed to support you directly through a period of significant transition. This begins with a ½ day to dig in depth about where you’re at, where you want to be and what is getting in the way. We will then have monthly face to face sessions, together with weekly telephone calls supporting you as you take the actions and make the changes.

    This is over 3 months and costs £3,500

  • Monthly session for 6 months.

    This gives you a sounding board for the strategic thinking which will develop your organisation.

    If you are looking for a tailored development program that enables you to shape your role and work through systemic issues this is for you.

    This costs £2100 (£1500 vol sector)

“I just wanted to say thank you for the coaching session on Tuesday. I always feel uplifted and energised by our coaching sessions. I thought you'd like to know I woke up the following morning with lots of energy and ideas flying around and a key phrase in my head… put simply coaching with you feeds my soul”

Team coaching

Team coaching can be a crucial tool for organisations wanting to thrive in the current world of work. With twenty-plus years of experience working within a range of organisations I tailor my coaching to the needs of the team and business. You will receive bespoke support that will lead to:

  • Increased productivity

  • Better strategic outcomes

  • Stronger team culture

  • More confident and happy employees

Team coaching will begin with a diagnostic process, from which we will create the best team coaching process to achieve the outcomes you are seeking. This can also include 1:1 sessions with leaders and managers to ensure your team continues to maximise its potential. Costs and options will be explored on an individual basis.

Read how my coaching helped the leadership team of a social enterprise here

“Duncan takes a very person centred approach and worked with us in a way that we felt listened to and empowered to develop in ways that were essential for growth of our business. At no point did we feel merely instructed but supportively guided towards our own solutions, building skills to take away and re-use.  I would thoroughly recommend Duncan's method of coaching for entrepreneurs who want to understand their business better.”


  • The aim of coaching is to provide a process that enables individuals to achieve their full potential. The client defines his/her objectives, needs and issues. The coach helps the client’s exploration of wants, motivations, desires, skills and thought processes to assist the individual in making real, lasting change.

    The coach is supportive and non-judgemental of the client, their views, lifestyle and aspirations. The coach, instead, questions, listens, observes and encourages a commitment to action and change. The common thread uniting all types of coaching is to provide the vehicle for ongoing, step-by-step action that enables the client to achieve more in the areas of their life they choose.

  • The types of impact that clients report to me are;

    • They are more able to use their whole selves. Offering leadership informed by their values & wisdom.

    • They have developed clearer and appropriate systems

    • They are less isolated and stressed in their role

    • Their organisations, businesses or projects have become more successful.

    • That they have increased their ability to influence and delegate in all directions

    • They have been able to handle a greater number of projects & complexities

    • They are able to work strategically in the present, with better flow.

    • They have a better balance of work and personal life.

  • There are a few key principles for coaching to work well.

    1 You are managing your own learning. I believe that people already have the answers that they need within themselves, and that what they need is to be facilitated and enabled, through the coaching relationship, to surface their solutions, use their skills.

    2. We need a clear working relationship that has a regular rhythm of meetings, goals that are owned and a quality of listening and analysis that is supportively challenging.

    3. Setting aside a regular amount of time to prepare for sessions and to reflect in between helps integrate the habits into your regular practice.


  • I have been coaching a range of clients from CEO’s and entrepreneurs to artists and writers.

    I hold an advanced certificate in coaching practice and a member of the Association for Coaching meaning that I adhere to the Global Code of Ethics for Coaches, Mentors and Supervisors.

    In 2009 I won the mentor of the year at the Scottish Mentoring Network awards.

  • Positive outcomes coaching has in managing organisations

    • Develop your ability to create a vision and a common language which inspires and motivates

    • Develop your networking skills – the vital ability to create relationships inside and beyond the organisation

    • Help you develop the ability to see connections beyond the obvious

    • Be a sounding board for the strategic thinking which will develop the organisation.

  • Coaching can help you

    • Develop self-awareness and understand the impact you have on others

    • Increase your self-control and self-confidence

    • See reality more clearly and objectively

    • Improve your ability to stay focussed, patient and adaptable; show you how to become more credible

    • Create better balance in your life

    • Manage stress more effectively

    • Manage your time better through prioritising, delegating and focussing on the ‘important’

    • With career choices, including access to the tools and techniques which will help you fulfil your ambitions such as writing CVs, being interviewed and so on

  • Coaching can help you

    • Increase your ability to communicate effectively and persuasively

    • Improve your influencing skills

    • Develop your ability to manage the performance of others through setting goals and giving effective feedback

    • Improve the way you run meetings

    • Build teams through developing trust, honesty and openness

    • Resolve conflict and enhance rapport

    1. Get in touch for a free exploratory chat where together we can decide if we are the right fit and what coaching package is best for you.

    2. The coaching process is a designed alliance between the coach and client. In setting up the alliance, the client sets the priorities, style and scope of the service required and the coach helps the client understand the coaching process, possible ups and downs, and techniques that might be used. The alliance also covers agreeing logistics and costs.

    3. If we decide to work together we will agree where and when to meet, I can offer coaching both online and in person in Edinburgh

    4. I will send you a coaching contract

    5. We will work together to achieve your goals and outcomes

Check out my latest blog posts: