How to run Action Learning in any organisation or partnership

How to run Action Learning in any organisation or partnership
1 hour live consultancy session with your organisation, plus a full toolkit for how to run Action Learning Sets. Useful for Critical Incident Debriefing, project re-planning, building up systemic thinking, problem solving on any issue and having fun at work.
Download my short, practical guide for how to introduce, run and adapt Action Learning processes in any organisation, or in any multi-stakeholder partnership. The guide shows how to run Action Learning Sets in both small, medium or large groups.
You can also have a 1 hour live consultancy session with me or my associates for your organisation so that you can think through how this will work with what you have planned.
The pdf pack shows how to do this with different situations, such as creating collaborative research or peer working. I am seeing that Action Learning is a great gift for right now we all have to adapt with the implications of the transition post the main phase of the pandemic.
See my articles in www.duncanwallace/insights about this transition, about teams, about hybrid meetings and about action learning as a way for speeding up culture change in organisational life.