We need tactile organisational development and training.

Are you missing your body sense from your journey? Is your organisation missing this key area of intelligence? How we embody change. What can we do to get us through this change?

Photo from my Organisational Development process with SCIAF

Photo from my Organisational Development process with SCIAF

I just feel that we are now missing using our bodies for our work.

There has just been too much sitting on our bottoms behind computer screens. There are such major themes of change happening in our contexts. At the individual/ personal level, in the workplaces, in our immediate society and in the wider world, that we need be expressing and processing. Tactile, exploratory development processes facilitate us all to be making sense of our world. Sitting behind screens is leaving us sitting too much.

I can feel, in a visceral way, the build up absence of the inter-actions that come with away days and decent training courses where your experimenting and laughing.

A whole year of sitting behind computers too much is a truth for many of us. I challenge us to open ourselves up more, to design and deliver training and events that get us inter-acting in bodily ways as much as we can. For me it is about the creative, the inter-active sense making, the relaxed and playful processing power that we possess collectively.

Recently I was commissioned to design and facilitate organisational development away days that involve walking together, re-connecting at deeper ways with space to process where things are at. In both organisations concerned i can feel the relief and the senses of letting go and working together this transition is vital. Its a physical thing, needing facilitated.

In our Professional Practice Award in Training and Development (PPTAD) where you can learn the full discipline of designing training and events that fit all the different learning styles, you will be challenged to take on board and design processes that take into account all the kinaesthetic needs of learners.

You will also have to consider in the Groupwork Skills module the reality of the way that groups work. My colleague Suzanne Trew, uses Lego, designing tactile interactions. Other associates use forest bathing and process work techniques of embodiment. What tactile interactions can you be designing?

Yellow and Pink Book Illustration Valentine's Day Instagram Post (002).jpg

This month as part of the Launch of www.TEDTraining.org.uk we are offering a £75 discount if sign up to do the PPTAD.