Working simply - Simplifying work


Our societal need for downsizing is astronomical.

This need is especially apparent in the elderly population, and especially the bereaved elderly, which is why the Insightful Moves scheme is so very useful.

To summarise, they provide support to the client considering or making a move into sheltered living. However, that same summary is too blunt to properly describe the depth of what they do. Insightful Moves combines friendship, philosophy and anthropology and creates a service which both helps and supports its clients.

This philosophy is based upon Dulton’s belief in resilience: so long as their core identity is supported people are greatly resilient. We are capable of surviving great difficulties so long as we have the correct system behind us. Insight Moves, then, seeks to provide this.

Over a number of months they interview and talk to the clients: they offer friendship, discuss their needs and build a deep understanding of what they are, they look practically at the client’s belongings and help them and make lists of what to dump, pass on, and keep. They’ll interview the children and other relevant people to discuss the process. Overall this provides the from their familiar environment, supporting them emotionally and preventing the mental damage that can be facilitated by such a move.

This is, in short, an invaluable service to many elderly people.

From my perspective, as a Quaker, this service is of course spiritual, practical and ethical. This is also true of some practices inside Insightful Moves as a company, and it is these same practices which have allowed it to flourish: they are founded on the principal of Quaker zen, that is, to live simply.

As we know, most small businesses fail within five years and it shows the effectiveness of such an approach that Insightful Moves is thriving.

This notion, then, of living simply, is interesting. In its own simplest form it means letting go of stuff, enabling ourselves as humans to have the right relationship with our belongings, to have the things we need and not the clutter.

In an ideal world we would all be living this principle, so why is it that were so attached to things that don’t really matter? It is, in fact a societal urge to possess things. By seeking to establish themselves business building - one which I have observed in other case studies ( such as Viv Grants who founded ‘Integrity Coaching.’

As important as it is to find a niche for your business, it is equally important to build a deep, spiritual foundational core. This was the approach I took when I founded EMMAUS Glasgow years ago, and it remains effective now.

If simplifying you work or working simply is a set of values and practices that you want to do more about, then please connect with me. You might want some coaching, mentoring, Consultancy or connections. Either way just email and we can find a time.